duminică, 13 martie 2016

Normal: Factorio

This is NOT going to be a normal review. It's gonna be more of a reply to NerdCubed's video, " Nerd³ FW - Factorio". 
And no, I am not gonna comment on a man's opinion, that would be idiotic. But, what I will do, is tell you a reason why it isn't that good.
Personal opinion
I am NOT going to give you an explanation of it, because it will take 6 days and a half, and "Noone has time for that" or whatever that was. 
He said the following: "It just feels like someone played minecraft and went "Ah, all this is wrong, let's do this properly""
It's NOT proper. Let me tell you why. The crafting.
The point of it, is that you dont have to do it. But that is a bad thing. Because of it, they didn't focus on it, therefore making it SH*T.  See, evreything takes a lot of stuff. Take science pack 2 for example. It needs an inserter and a transport belt. For a transport belt you need an Iron gear wheel and an Iron plate, for an Iron gear wheel you need 2 iron, so on and so forth, but that would take forever. This is why, they added the feature that you only need the rough matierials. This is where the problems come in. See, that means it takes ages! Even the items in itself, take ages to craft! Because of that, I looked online for a mod to make it faster, and found one, and it was the one that made me dislike the game. See, even if you automate the crafting, there's nothing to do. It reminds me of cookie clicker. It just makes you do things yourself and it's annoying, and then you just make it so that you don't have to play it. 
So it's bad wether you automate the crafting, or craft it yourself!
Thing is, the crafting is a very important thing! That's why I'm so pissed off about it!
Proffesional Aproach
  • Enjoyable graffics.
  • Cookie clicker. Start off slow, and build up to make it so that you don't have to play it anymore.
  • The automation is the special part.