sâmbătă, 14 mai 2016

Retro: Dungeon Keeper!

YES! Finally I got around to playing a bullfrog game again!

Remember bullfrog? Oh Bullfrog...

Personal Opinion
You wanna know my opinion? EA can go f*ck itself.

OOOH, about the game? Well, it's alright. I mean it didn't really age that well. For the controls, it's as simple as can be so, won't do a tutorial.
It really didn't age well. I mean it's better than Dungeon Keeper 2 but it's got it's flaws. For example, a certain type of creatures want to train to no end that is annoying to no end, because it eats your money away, and the creatures are useless. I am talking of course about the demon spawns. The possesion spell is SO GOD DAMN FUN AND USEFUL because the creatures have no clue they have to do stuff, so you do most of the work but it's really fun. The problem I have with it is the Y axis is inverted, with no way of uninverting it which sucks for me!
It's a fun game, but nothing really to  brag about. At the time it was fantastic, but if bullfrog didn't kick the bucket and didn't switch to first person shooters, I think they could make an amazing new game.

Proffesional approach
  • The graffics are...Ummm....There.
  • The gameplay is fun and interesting, if only a liiittle irritating.

Also, sorry for being one day late, since I wanted it to be a friday the 13th special, but I couldn't. SORRY!