sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2016

1 year anniversary!

Well piss and vinegar.

No you didn't miss anything, I actually havent posted anything in half a year, don't kill me.

I tried to post MULTIPLE times during the wait period, in fact I have a full post on 10 FREE good games, yet I couldn't post it. This was because I had a lot of work to do, half a year's worth in fact! Most of you most likely thought I was dead, if not wished so as that would be the only excuse, but I'm not. NOW GOOD NEWS!

While I wasn't able to post anything, I was able to work towards creating a youtube channel, on which I will post on a weekly basis. I will go into more detail later in the post. I will link it HERE when I post something but for the time being, and until new year's it will just be a random video.

I just want to apologize for the lack of content for half a year, this isn't as much a one year anniversary as it is a 5 minute anniversary but there are bills to pay, and work to do, I can't monatize this as that would be the most d*ckhead thing I could do, I am very VERY sorry. 

Well I couldn't care less, tell me about the damn videos!

Obviously it'll be a let's play channel, 'cause that only makes sense.
I MIGHT (MIGHT mind you!) do vlogs, but if so, it will be on another channel, so no need to worry there.
They'll be half an hour long, and heavily edited.
They will be uploaded once a week, most likely on thursday. 
I GUARANTEE it will be once a week. IF NOT ON THURSDAY, LATER IN THE WEEK, pinky promise. 

Happy new year lads. Hope this year David Bowie doesn't die! 
Too soon?