sâmbătă, 14 ianuarie 2017

I posted the video.

The video is up. It's out in the world. Here's the link. All other instances of it are also about to be updated.
And no, I won't keep posting on here, I'll just use that. Good? Good.

sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2016

1 year anniversary!

Well piss and vinegar.

No you didn't miss anything, I actually havent posted anything in half a year, don't kill me.

I tried to post MULTIPLE times during the wait period, in fact I have a full post on 10 FREE good games, yet I couldn't post it. This was because I had a lot of work to do, half a year's worth in fact! Most of you most likely thought I was dead, if not wished so as that would be the only excuse, but I'm not. NOW GOOD NEWS!

While I wasn't able to post anything, I was able to work towards creating a youtube channel, on which I will post on a weekly basis. I will go into more detail later in the post. I will link it HERE when I post something but for the time being, and until new year's it will just be a random video.

I just want to apologize for the lack of content for half a year, this isn't as much a one year anniversary as it is a 5 minute anniversary but there are bills to pay, and work to do, I can't monatize this as that would be the most d*ckhead thing I could do, I am very VERY sorry. 

Well I couldn't care less, tell me about the damn videos!

Obviously it'll be a let's play channel, 'cause that only makes sense.
I MIGHT (MIGHT mind you!) do vlogs, but if so, it will be on another channel, so no need to worry there.
They'll be half an hour long, and heavily edited.
They will be uploaded once a week, most likely on thursday. 
I GUARANTEE it will be once a week. IF NOT ON THURSDAY, LATER IN THE WEEK, pinky promise. 

Happy new year lads. Hope this year David Bowie doesn't die! 
Too soon?

sâmbătă, 14 mai 2016

Retro: Dungeon Keeper!

YES! Finally I got around to playing a bullfrog game again!

Remember bullfrog? Oh Bullfrog...

Personal Opinion
You wanna know my opinion? EA can go f*ck itself.

OOOH, about the game? Well, it's alright. I mean it didn't really age that well. For the controls, it's as simple as can be so, won't do a tutorial.
It really didn't age well. I mean it's better than Dungeon Keeper 2 but it's got it's flaws. For example, a certain type of creatures want to train to no end that is annoying to no end, because it eats your money away, and the creatures are useless. I am talking of course about the demon spawns. The possesion spell is SO GOD DAMN FUN AND USEFUL because the creatures have no clue they have to do stuff, so you do most of the work but it's really fun. The problem I have with it is the Y axis is inverted, with no way of uninverting it which sucks for me!
It's a fun game, but nothing really to  brag about. At the time it was fantastic, but if bullfrog didn't kick the bucket and didn't switch to first person shooters, I think they could make an amazing new game.

Proffesional approach
  • The graffics are...Ummm....There.
  • The gameplay is fun and interesting, if only a liiittle irritating.

Also, sorry for being one day late, since I wanted it to be a friday the 13th special, but I couldn't. SORRY!

vineri, 22 aprilie 2016

Quick Update

Right, first off, I won't tease you anymore with videos. I'm going too fast here. So yeah. Oh, and don't worry, I made that vid purposely horrible, I have can properly record and edit, I won't use OBS, I will instead use fraps, so It won't suck as bad as that one does.

Second off, the comedy thing is useless, so that's gone.

Third off, the things about me are useless so that's gone.

And if you want a game recomandation, try Spore. It doesn't deserve a proper review, since you probably either played it, or watched enough gameplay to make your own review. Even so, I feel I have to say that, because this game is 8 YEARS OLD! Oh yeah! I didn't remember that myself! 

Oh yeah, and one more thing. I'm trying to play really old games for now, I'll move onto better and better games, but even new games are hard to make a review for, because a ton of them already have let's plays or playthroughs so I have to come up with good games. Again, the point of this is, to either tell you how you could use your money or how to not waste  your money (I'm looking at you factorio). So if I tell you about games that other people have talked about, then I wasted my time, since you already know either to buy or not the certain game. 

That makes sense in my head anyway.

luni, 11 aprilie 2016

A video.

Well what are you waiting for? Click for the video!
Acually...On second thought...Don't.

sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2016

Normal: Stardew Valley

Hello! Yes, hi. Hi to you too. And you Dave. And you. 

I havent been posting recently, because there are not games. I mean deadbolt has been released fully too, but its literraly the same thing, only larger. I wont be making a review on it, because there is nothing to say. So heres stardew valley

  • Personal Opinion
Now, mind you I have never played any Harvest Moon games, so I won't make any comparisons. In fact, I'll try not to make any comparisons on this blog at all. In fact in fact, I have never played any other farming games because they are BORING! I am so impatient, you would not belive. 

Now this is a normal farming game. Sort of. You can do some deforesting, talk to wizards and not wizards, and pick rocks and stuff. It works based on an energy bar. Just play the damn game!

As I said before, I am inpatient, but this doesn't matter in this game. Farming is boring, but its not the only thing you can do. There are so many things you can do! Fish, and stuff and IT'S AWSOME!
It has different times of the year, and people to talk to and they have bloody birthdays and THIS GAME IS SO DETAILED AND AWSOME I CAN'T BELIVE IT! And in different times of the year it rains more or less, and snows and its so awsome. You even have a weather report! Right, if I go on I'll just keep saying "It's so awsome!"

  • Proffesional aproach
  1. The graffics are good but not...perfect. I mean the characters look weird when you aren't talking to them but apart from that!
  2. Farming, but done right
  3. Well most things about this!

Here's the link! Yay!