sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2016

Normal: Stardew Valley

Hello! Yes, hi. Hi to you too. And you Dave. And you. 

I havent been posting recently, because there are not games. I mean deadbolt has been released fully too, but its literraly the same thing, only larger. I wont be making a review on it, because there is nothing to say. So heres stardew valley

  • Personal Opinion
Now, mind you I have never played any Harvest Moon games, so I won't make any comparisons. In fact, I'll try not to make any comparisons on this blog at all. In fact in fact, I have never played any other farming games because they are BORING! I am so impatient, you would not belive. 

Now this is a normal farming game. Sort of. You can do some deforesting, talk to wizards and not wizards, and pick rocks and stuff. It works based on an energy bar. Just play the damn game!

As I said before, I am inpatient, but this doesn't matter in this game. Farming is boring, but its not the only thing you can do. There are so many things you can do! Fish, and stuff and IT'S AWSOME!
It has different times of the year, and people to talk to and they have bloody birthdays and THIS GAME IS SO DETAILED AND AWSOME I CAN'T BELIVE IT! And in different times of the year it rains more or less, and snows and its so awsome. You even have a weather report! Right, if I go on I'll just keep saying "It's so awsome!"

  • Proffesional aproach
  1. The graffics are good but not...perfect. I mean the characters look weird when you aren't talking to them but apart from that!
  2. Farming, but done right
  3. Well most things about this!

Here's the link! Yay! 

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