vineri, 22 aprilie 2016

Quick Update

Right, first off, I won't tease you anymore with videos. I'm going too fast here. So yeah. Oh, and don't worry, I made that vid purposely horrible, I have can properly record and edit, I won't use OBS, I will instead use fraps, so It won't suck as bad as that one does.

Second off, the comedy thing is useless, so that's gone.

Third off, the things about me are useless so that's gone.

And if you want a game recomandation, try Spore. It doesn't deserve a proper review, since you probably either played it, or watched enough gameplay to make your own review. Even so, I feel I have to say that, because this game is 8 YEARS OLD! Oh yeah! I didn't remember that myself! 

Oh yeah, and one more thing. I'm trying to play really old games for now, I'll move onto better and better games, but even new games are hard to make a review for, because a ton of them already have let's plays or playthroughs so I have to come up with good games. Again, the point of this is, to either tell you how you could use your money or how to not waste  your money (I'm looking at you factorio). So if I tell you about games that other people have talked about, then I wasted my time, since you already know either to buy or not the certain game. 

That makes sense in my head anyway.

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