marți, 9 februarie 2016

Normal: Kingdom


Well I finally got a new game I can exploit  for views on my blog. Although I don't know why I would, I don't get money from it so...

Anyway there is this new game that's now EVREYWHERE! Evrey youtuber is making a video, and I thought I'd put out my view on it.

Personal opinion

Ok. So. You are the king on the horse. You have a bag of coins. You fill it up with the coins you get at the start and from warriors, builders, archers, and farmers. The banner is ALWAYS (mostly) random. This is an image taken from the internet, not mine, I never get to the stone walls. The markets make you tools, for money. Those tools can be used by villagers that you can pay 1 coin, to join your kingdom. There is a Schythe/Hoe for farmers, bows for archers, (Shocking right?) hammers for builders, and later on, golden shields for special warriors. The chest gives you daily gold. The hut has to be upgraded to be a hut. At the start its just a fire. Then with upgrades it turns to a hut, and a castle. You need the castle for the special knights. To have acces to stone walls and the such, you need to upgrade a certain altar. There are three types of altars:
  • The builder type
  • The archer type
  • The wall type
The builder type make evreything your builders build stronger. The archer type makes you archers stronger. The wall type makes you have acces to stone walls and the castle. To get acces you need to upgrade them by (surprise!) paying with gold coins. Farmers give you tons of them but as we all know hoes are expensive See what I did there? and you also need a proper farm which is expensive as ANYTHING! It's the Lamborgini of the medieval ages!
You will need walls because there are demons that come out of portals. In blood moon they get an army. And you die. Over and over. And there's  no way around it. You have catapults but they dont help in the least!

Now thats mostly it for mechanics. How is it? Well its fun, and intresting, and if you're determined you might be able to reach a point to destroy one or two portals, where demons come out of, but it's boring. Yes. I said it. Its repetative, and you KNOW you'll die. There isn't any fun in cheating so its just always really boring, waiting for your untimely demise after a while. Again, if you're determined, you might get something out of it, but if not, you will lose interest quite fast. 
 Proffesional Aproach
  • Beatuifull as anything! Reflections, sunlight, mist, and all! I'll give it that!
  • Gameplay whise, it's very complex, and intresting, but easy to get.
  • The way of building is very intresting, since you only have one resourse, that is really hard to get.

That's about it. [insertoutrohere]

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