sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2016

Normal: Downwell

Downwell! Yes, indeed. 

Hater discretion blah blah blah 

Basic tutorial!
Not much to say but....
Well that's about it. The baloon is a bonus hit. The other things are enemies. Now the thing is, the gameplay cannot be expressed using an image.You are that (Rather MLG) person, and you jumped down the well. You can jump. If you try to double jump it sends a bullet under your feet. It takes Gems which you  get by stomping/360feetscoping those enemies. You have to reload evrey 6 bullets or so, but you can only do it by touching the ground. You also have shops, that use the same gems for things. You barely have any health, about 4 and I'm not sure you can upgrade it. You also have random dungeony things, with upgrades. Now, at the entrances of these places there are bubles which litteraly stop time. There apparantly is an...Upgrade or something, so that whenever you get hit, you create one! Evrey time you go down a level you get a free upgrade. You good? Good!

Personal opinion
Amazing! It's a simple concept, made simply, but not unlike ''The binding of Isaac'' it has tons of things, and some combinations! Fun and original, nothing like it! 

Proffesional aproach

  • Graffics wise, again, not very good, but don't judge a game by it's graffics. You're free to judge a book by it's cover though.

  • Gameplay wise, it's very neat! Good for gamers from the casual player looking for a game to waste some time, to the hardcore gamer looking for a challenge! Fun and addicting (I'd say more than Cookie Clicker) !

  • What isn't special about this game? It's a fast-pace, skill-based, game that has the limitation of not being able to reload. That's a briliant idea! You have to go as fast as possible without dying but stay too long without slowing down (In the form of standing on the ground) you won't be able to protect yourself, to go longer!

It's an amazing game, good for evreyone! Time waster or a challenge, that's up to you! Either way, you'll be able to enjoy this game. Pick it up any time you can.

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