vineri, 1 ianuarie 2016

Retro: FTL Faster Than Light Review

It might not look like it but I'm pumping out content Faster Than Light! See what I did there?

Warning: The following program contains: Opinion, Thought, and not simple-mindness. Hater discretion is advised.

Now then. A basic introduction. Here is the menu that you are going to be seeing most of the time, although the ship may vary:

Well this took a while to edit. The crew are people who work for you. The Engines are necesary in order for you to go Faster Than Light. (And now the title makes sense). The oxigen makes sure you don't choke to death like Darth Vader was on board. The doors are doors. The guns allow you to attack other people. The shield allows you to get attacked more without losing the hull's health. The med bay heals your crew when inside. The door control makes sure the doors don't misfunction. The Security Cameras allow you to see evrey place, doesn't matter if any of your crew is there or not. The captain's cabin  allows you to go faster than light, if a person is there. 
All of them need power for them to work. The bit on the left is how much power you have left or just in general. That can be upgraded. The more power the better it will work.
In this game you have to go through galaxies to overthrow some sort of overload? (Nobody reads the wall of text at the start). Another thing! You are constantly chased by a sort of....rebelion I think

Personal Opinion 

This is...(Big suprise) A really good game! Doesn't compare to Papers, Please but a good game indeed. The story, nobody cares about, the graffics are bad, and the only excuse is the engine, but the gameplay is it's strong point. It's alway hard to play with so many currencies you need to save up, not only the money, but the energy and the missles and evreything! It's also luck based, with stores being annoying and expensive for uselless things, and the number of stars/planets that are randomly generated. Now if challenge is not what you're looking for, just like me, then it will be kinda bad. 

Proffesional look

  •  Graffics aren't good. Full stop.

  • Gameplay wise it's mostly luck-based, good for hardcore players, but not for the casual stress-relief fan.


Well, if you are a person who enjoys a challenge, this will be a good game. It's just not the type of thing I'd like, but maybe it's good for you!

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