vineri, 1 ianuarie 2016


So in exchange for the fact that I did a ''Shoutout'' (although I had like 5 people on the website at the time) Letitia Can'tputthesurnamehere AKA ''Booklizard'' Tagged me to the Harry Potter book thing! So I have to....Do this now. It's probably too early on, but hey! If you want content to be pumped out like crazy, you have to sit through this! Sorry if I sounded rude.
 So I have to awnser these questions I guess. Lets crack open this challenge! Whatever that means. I tag my friend, with the blog FashionBox even though she hasn't read the books. Yay!

  • What is your favourite book?
I'll have to say the 1st one. It just brought you into a new world and gave away it's intention right away. It was still cheery and fun it, just had sort of a dark undertone to it, which I appreciated a ton.

  •     What was your favourite film? 
I'd say the...3rd. For the simple fact that the effects were amazing, or at least I think so. OPINION! It's for people who aren't robots! OPINION!

  • What is your least favourite book?
Well I'd say the 6th book. All of the charm and cheer of the world gets slowly drained away and I think a lot could have been done with t'the cheer. Make the students think they're safe and thus happy, the school kept their classes but subtley they'd concentrate on Defence Against The Dark Arts and it just didn't. 
  • What is your least favourite film?
1st one weirdly. The quality was rather low, aspecially looking back at it. Also the kids were...Really young. Too young in my opinion.OPINION! You know the drill already! OPINION!
  • Parts of the books/film that made you cry?
Im a MAN! I don't cry! I laugh! And when I laugh I spew out FIRE! From my EYES! No, really though, I didn't cry ONCE.
  • If you could hook up with any character, who would it be?
Hermione Granger. Obviously. I mean, apart from the obvious (Wink Wink) I could copy at will!
  • Who is your favourite character?
RUBEUS HAGRID THE HALF-GIANT!!! DUDE CAN TAKE SOME SPELLS! Sorry for shouting at  you you beautiful, beautiful person.
  • If you could have the resurrection stone, invisibility cloak or elder wand, which would it be?
Cloak of sneakiness! I could get into the girl's changing rooms any time! I'm sorry.....
  •  What would your Patronous be?
I did a test on Buzfeed and apparently it's a Stag.
  • In which House would you be?
Well I did the test on Pottermore, and apparently Slytherin. I wanted to be in Ravenclaw but yeah. If you also want to be lied to, click right here.
  • If you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?
I'm not good with names, so Ronald Weasly. The guy that played him.
  • Have you ever played the video games?
Well, I've played one of them. It was alright, nothing to talk about in another post. For all I know it might not even be a thing.
  • If you were on the Quidditch team, which position would you play?
I think I'd be that guy that sits on the bench 'till someone gets hurt and preys that noone will get hurt.
  • Where you happy with the ending?
Not really. It was a bit cliche.
  • How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
Not much, the description wasn't made by me, it was made by booklizard. It's neat and good, but it isn't my life goal.

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