vineri, 1 ianuarie 2016

Retro: Papers, Please Review

Oh yeah, belive it, I am so looking forward to doing this!

The following program is prohibited to Haters. It contains scenes of severe opinion.  

So, Papers, Please! People are going to think I am doing this for the sake of, again, popularity, considering the fact that Jacksepticeye ( ) is playing it at this exact time, and I don't blame you! But, you would be wrong. In fact, the reason is, I wanted to this for a long time! I thought I'd do it when I'd have a youtube channel, but for that I'd need a recording software, and a good mic, and the list goes on and on! But a friend (Her blogger name is ''Book Lizard'' go check her out, she does book reviews so if your intrested, it's a good chanel) introdused me to this blog thing, and it's really good! I just happened to come at a bad time!

 If you don't know how the game plays then here is the menu!

Now this is quite far into the game, but basically:
The thing on the left is the person and the table. It has a manual with the rules, a recording mic and a newspaper. The newspaper tells you if there are criminals on the loose and allows you to detain them.
The thing on the right is the item checking stand. You can put whatever you want in there and you will see it magnified. In that instance there is a pic of the woman with contraband. There is also a pasport. On the pasport there is an expiration date, a pic of the person, the gender, the name, the code, the isuing city and the date of birth.
The thing on the bottom right is the inspection meniu. After you clicked on it you can see the discrepancies by conecting two things. 
The thing on the top is the view of what's happening outside. There might be terrorists and later on you get a gun, so be EXTRA careful with that! To continue on to the next person, you press the trumpety thing.
The thing in the top right of the bottom section is the stamp holder. As you can see the pasport has a place for the stamps, and there you can put approved or denied.

Good luck remembering all that.

And now why is it good? The graffics seem really bad! 
Well, dear reader, what did we learn in the minecraft review? Graffics don't matter! This is also the case! The game is difficult because of this other meniu
There. Those coins are things you get from people, if you let them through, even though they don't have what they need or just helping people out. They will determine the ending. The savings are the money you saved from the days before, the salary is how much you've gotten today, the number in bitween the brackets, in this instance 5 is how many people you've done today and the bribes is how much money you got from people bribing you. The rent is how much you need to live in the apartament the food is how much you need to not be hungry (stay hungry for 2 days and you will die) heat is how much you need to not be cold (stay cold for too long and you will get sick and then, if you don't get medication, you will die), sharpshooter is how much you gained from stoping a terrorist. The class upgrade make your house better and the booth upgrade make your life easier. The people on the right are your family. Lose them and you lose the game. I still, to this day, have no idea what the pasport does.
Now the hard bit is hard because you 99% of the time lose money from helping people. Also the amount of money depends on the amount of people you let through, NOT how many you got through. You HAVE to let a lot of people throught to get enough money  for your family, so it's unbelivably hard to do it!

Personal Opinion

It's amazing, it brought in what could litterally be a new genera, booth them up! (Although it does need something different and that would be it) It gets you thinking, worring about your family, knowing what can hapen, and trying to find out what can stop it hapenning! It just blends in drama, the choice them ups with a nice simple mechanic (And yes, it's simple, I just make it sound complicated)! 

Proffesional look 

  • Graffic's wise, I'd say it's better than minecraft but it those are supposed to be humas so.....Yeah.
  • Gameplay wise it's really nice! I've got nothing to say to that! It doesn't get old, or repetative, since almost evrey other day it brings something new to the scene! Today inspection mode, tomorrow sharpshooter!
  • It's unique in the type of gameplay. It's minimalistic but still keeps a dark tone. Pixels for the win! Also DID YOU HEAR THAT THEME SONG? Well hope not. If you did, then you wown't forget it. Ever. Bam. Bam. Bada da dam, Bada da dam, Bada da dam. Dam dam dam....What was I talking about?

Well this game is amazing. It does take years on end to actually be able to end it, and not only because it's long. I sugest picking it up if you've got the time.

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