sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2016

Normal: Not a hero

Wown't this be a fun expierence. Finally a video game review!

Well the reason why I didn't make them for like a century is I didn't what game to play. More of this in a disscussion.

Personal Opinion
Here is what the game is like. It's complicated to put this into words, so I will just describe 4 characters.
(I couldn't find an image, but that's a good thing, 'cause it will give you another reason to play it!) 
He is a quick, nimble person with the weakest gun. A handgun. It reloads really fast, that's the advantage. He is also "Bunnylord"s best friend/favourite. That doesn't help but it's a bit of a fun thing to know. He is also accurate, wich later in the game will make a BIG difference.
A hillbilly with a shotgun. What more do you want in your life?! He reloads slow, but has amazing dammage! He is in general slow, but he can blast doors open as well. Another thing that is fun, is he pretends to be scottish. Also, try this combo! Cletus the shotgun weilder and ricoche (is that how you spell it?)  bullets! That'll be fun! 
A russian(?) woman with what seems to be an uzi. She is terribly unaccurate, but can reload and shoot while running. She shoots really freaking fast though! She also seems to be the weakest in health. She also has fast executions
No, not the one in the bible. He is spanish. He is constantly humping things. He shoots really fast as well, but can't reload while running, neither can he shoot while running. He runs the fastest, and has nice health! He can shoot while sliding. I should be doing my homework. What?

Well what's up with the game? Well let me tell you. NOT. I'll give you a review but NOT the gameplay. Spoilers are for the cars of douchebags/rich people who can tune them.

 AMAZING! Now, it's really big! It has so many things! Characters, mechanics, power-ups, special weapons, all awsome!! The story is kinda cool as well, and you're gonna think about Bunnylord's problems for a WHILE. It's fun and good, should really play it.

Proffesional Aproach

  • Are you noticing a pattern here? Games that I like have bad graffics.

  • Gameplay wise, it's very fun and addicting, and has A LOT of stuff to do.

  • The fast-paste gameplay, combined with the tons of variations of items, special weapons and characters, make it a very intresting game. This has been done before, but NOT as well, I'd even BroForce did it worse! Why the variations? Because it's gonna force you to play the level twice in order to see what person is better. and to get more challanges done!
So there you have it! It's a great game, that you should check out!

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