sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2016

1 year anniversary!

Well piss and vinegar.

No you didn't miss anything, I actually havent posted anything in half a year, don't kill me.

I tried to post MULTIPLE times during the wait period, in fact I have a full post on 10 FREE good games, yet I couldn't post it. This was because I had a lot of work to do, half a year's worth in fact! Most of you most likely thought I was dead, if not wished so as that would be the only excuse, but I'm not. NOW GOOD NEWS!

While I wasn't able to post anything, I was able to work towards creating a youtube channel, on which I will post on a weekly basis. I will go into more detail later in the post. I will link it HERE when I post something but for the time being, and until new year's it will just be a random video.

I just want to apologize for the lack of content for half a year, this isn't as much a one year anniversary as it is a 5 minute anniversary but there are bills to pay, and work to do, I can't monatize this as that would be the most d*ckhead thing I could do, I am very VERY sorry. 

Well I couldn't care less, tell me about the damn videos!

Obviously it'll be a let's play channel, 'cause that only makes sense.
I MIGHT (MIGHT mind you!) do vlogs, but if so, it will be on another channel, so no need to worry there.
They'll be half an hour long, and heavily edited.
They will be uploaded once a week, most likely on thursday. 
I GUARANTEE it will be once a week. IF NOT ON THURSDAY, LATER IN THE WEEK, pinky promise. 

Happy new year lads. Hope this year David Bowie doesn't die! 
Too soon?

sâmbătă, 14 mai 2016

Retro: Dungeon Keeper!

YES! Finally I got around to playing a bullfrog game again!

Remember bullfrog? Oh Bullfrog...

Personal Opinion
You wanna know my opinion? EA can go f*ck itself.

OOOH, about the game? Well, it's alright. I mean it didn't really age that well. For the controls, it's as simple as can be so, won't do a tutorial.
It really didn't age well. I mean it's better than Dungeon Keeper 2 but it's got it's flaws. For example, a certain type of creatures want to train to no end that is annoying to no end, because it eats your money away, and the creatures are useless. I am talking of course about the demon spawns. The possesion spell is SO GOD DAMN FUN AND USEFUL because the creatures have no clue they have to do stuff, so you do most of the work but it's really fun. The problem I have with it is the Y axis is inverted, with no way of uninverting it which sucks for me!
It's a fun game, but nothing really to  brag about. At the time it was fantastic, but if bullfrog didn't kick the bucket and didn't switch to first person shooters, I think they could make an amazing new game.

Proffesional approach
  • The graffics are...Ummm....There.
  • The gameplay is fun and interesting, if only a liiittle irritating.

Also, sorry for being one day late, since I wanted it to be a friday the 13th special, but I couldn't. SORRY!

vineri, 22 aprilie 2016

Quick Update

Right, first off, I won't tease you anymore with videos. I'm going too fast here. So yeah. Oh, and don't worry, I made that vid purposely horrible, I have can properly record and edit, I won't use OBS, I will instead use fraps, so It won't suck as bad as that one does.

Second off, the comedy thing is useless, so that's gone.

Third off, the things about me are useless so that's gone.

And if you want a game recomandation, try Spore. It doesn't deserve a proper review, since you probably either played it, or watched enough gameplay to make your own review. Even so, I feel I have to say that, because this game is 8 YEARS OLD! Oh yeah! I didn't remember that myself! 

Oh yeah, and one more thing. I'm trying to play really old games for now, I'll move onto better and better games, but even new games are hard to make a review for, because a ton of them already have let's plays or playthroughs so I have to come up with good games. Again, the point of this is, to either tell you how you could use your money or how to not waste  your money (I'm looking at you factorio). So if I tell you about games that other people have talked about, then I wasted my time, since you already know either to buy or not the certain game. 

That makes sense in my head anyway.

luni, 11 aprilie 2016

A video.

Well what are you waiting for? Click for the video!
Acually...On second thought...Don't.

sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2016

Normal: Stardew Valley

Hello! Yes, hi. Hi to you too. And you Dave. And you. 

I havent been posting recently, because there are not games. I mean deadbolt has been released fully too, but its literraly the same thing, only larger. I wont be making a review on it, because there is nothing to say. So heres stardew valley

  • Personal Opinion
Now, mind you I have never played any Harvest Moon games, so I won't make any comparisons. In fact, I'll try not to make any comparisons on this blog at all. In fact in fact, I have never played any other farming games because they are BORING! I am so impatient, you would not belive. 

Now this is a normal farming game. Sort of. You can do some deforesting, talk to wizards and not wizards, and pick rocks and stuff. It works based on an energy bar. Just play the damn game!

As I said before, I am inpatient, but this doesn't matter in this game. Farming is boring, but its not the only thing you can do. There are so many things you can do! Fish, and stuff and IT'S AWSOME!
It has different times of the year, and people to talk to and they have bloody birthdays and THIS GAME IS SO DETAILED AND AWSOME I CAN'T BELIVE IT! And in different times of the year it rains more or less, and snows and its so awsome. You even have a weather report! Right, if I go on I'll just keep saying "It's so awsome!"

  • Proffesional aproach
  1. The graffics are good but not...perfect. I mean the characters look weird when you aren't talking to them but apart from that!
  2. Farming, but done right
  3. Well most things about this!

Here's the link! Yay! 

duminică, 13 martie 2016

Normal: Factorio

This is NOT going to be a normal review. It's gonna be more of a reply to NerdCubed's video, " Nerd³ FW - Factorio". 
And no, I am not gonna comment on a man's opinion, that would be idiotic. But, what I will do, is tell you a reason why it isn't that good.
Personal opinion
I am NOT going to give you an explanation of it, because it will take 6 days and a half, and "Noone has time for that" or whatever that was. 
He said the following: "It just feels like someone played minecraft and went "Ah, all this is wrong, let's do this properly""
It's NOT proper. Let me tell you why. The crafting.
The point of it, is that you dont have to do it. But that is a bad thing. Because of it, they didn't focus on it, therefore making it SH*T.  See, evreything takes a lot of stuff. Take science pack 2 for example. It needs an inserter and a transport belt. For a transport belt you need an Iron gear wheel and an Iron plate, for an Iron gear wheel you need 2 iron, so on and so forth, but that would take forever. This is why, they added the feature that you only need the rough matierials. This is where the problems come in. See, that means it takes ages! Even the items in itself, take ages to craft! Because of that, I looked online for a mod to make it faster, and found one, and it was the one that made me dislike the game. See, even if you automate the crafting, there's nothing to do. It reminds me of cookie clicker. It just makes you do things yourself and it's annoying, and then you just make it so that you don't have to play it. 
So it's bad wether you automate the crafting, or craft it yourself!
Thing is, the crafting is a very important thing! That's why I'm so pissed off about it!
Proffesional Aproach
  • Enjoyable graffics.
  • Cookie clicker. Start off slow, and build up to make it so that you don't have to play it anymore.
  • The automation is the special part.

vineri, 26 februarie 2016

You should probably read this before you read my other stuff

Right, thought this should be a thing I do! I tehnically swear! But when I swear I ussually use stars. Sorta like this! Holy s**t! There are only 2 swear words I don't do that to. Bloody, and goddammit.

joi, 18 februarie 2016

Normal: Mugen Multiverse: All Worlds Collide

My God. Now I know this is NOT gonna get this game the attention it deserves, not only because I'm not popular enough, but because it deserves around...7 billion people to know about it. And the children in Africa don't have computers.

Now this is an indie game on gamejolt, and...Well I found it when I was looking for Naruto games.

Personal Opinion:
Here are the basics for player one:
-Attack: A, S, D, Z, X, C
-Movement: Up arrow, Down arrow, Left arrow, Right arrow

Now I had to actually litterally ask the game maker to inform me on how to make special attacks! I only knew Naruto's and Sasuke's (BTW they're Down arrow+A, Down arrow+S, Down arrow+D and Down arrow+Enter)
Im gonna copy+paste this part of his comment in between quotes. That's how you spell it right?
"to use special is usually left down right and a button, right down left and a button or quatercircle and 2 or 3 buttons" 

And as I anwsered: I don't know what the quatercircle button is.

(btw not actuall image from the game)
Oh I forgot to mention! For the special moves!You need to fill up the bar at the bottom to a certain level!

The game is badass! It has 41 bloody characters! 41!!!!! I mean it will get more as well and stuff. It's got things from Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, TAKEN Which I bloody adore!  Star Wars and more! It's amazing to see this much passion put into such a game!
But...It's not special... Let me put it this way:
Proffesional Aproach:
  • This game is GENIUS in it's graffical design! It's got 3rd and 2d people, some (I'm only refering to the one in the actual game, it's a BETA) are rendered sort of....HD, made by pixels. Imagine that guy, against the completely 2D Naruto! 
  • The usuall Mugen.
  • Well there's not all that much special. I mean, there's a lot of people from a lot of things, it replicates the old arcade games well, but apart from that... 
So that's it! Now. Go play it! It's a 1GB game, but I promise you will like it! If you don't, do it for my sake! Go and rate it! I want to support this game by any means! But I am broke, so I won't donate. Because all I have to donate is the bubble gum off the chairs of my local school!

joi, 11 februarie 2016

Disscusion: A couple of things

1st! It's actually 3 things, including this one. 

2nd! I did not have an original idea with the name. First, apparently there is PC's and stuff of the sort. Second apparently, there is a whole other bloody youtuber! Yeah! How about bloody that? Making me an impersonator! So I apologize. I do. Very much so! I am sorry! BUT! I'm not changing my name. Just don't call me that and then there's no need to redo the damn photoshop thing. I will redo that or something, I don't know, but that is the state of the matter. I have the same name as a lot of things. To stop being copyright claimed or something, I donno, just call me Nick. I know that the 7 people that read these things will leave, because the only reason they were here in the 1st place were that guy. 

3rd. There was this thing that I learned about from the popular channel "Vsauce" which you probably heard about...Actually no, the channel "DONG" ran by the same people, that's a choose your own adventure story thing. It's called "Dendrite". I'm gonna link my story in the making, so you can make it with me! I can't wait to see what mad stuff you come up with. Just...Don't make it related to genetalia. PLEASE!

This is just getting worse and worse eh? First the mic problems, now the name? Oh well.

marți, 9 februarie 2016

Just wanna point this out

The sentence at the start of kingdom is a JOKE! I don't get money. You would see ads if I did. And there's no point since I got about 7 people on the blog so. What I'm trying to say is "I'm not a sellout"

Normal: Kingdom


Well I finally got a new game I can exploit  for views on my blog. Although I don't know why I would, I don't get money from it so...

Anyway there is this new game that's now EVREYWHERE! Evrey youtuber is making a video, and I thought I'd put out my view on it.

Personal opinion

Ok. So. You are the king on the horse. You have a bag of coins. You fill it up with the coins you get at the start and from warriors, builders, archers, and farmers. The banner is ALWAYS (mostly) random. This is an image taken from the internet, not mine, I never get to the stone walls. The markets make you tools, for money. Those tools can be used by villagers that you can pay 1 coin, to join your kingdom. There is a Schythe/Hoe for farmers, bows for archers, (Shocking right?) hammers for builders, and later on, golden shields for special warriors. The chest gives you daily gold. The hut has to be upgraded to be a hut. At the start its just a fire. Then with upgrades it turns to a hut, and a castle. You need the castle for the special knights. To have acces to stone walls and the such, you need to upgrade a certain altar. There are three types of altars:
  • The builder type
  • The archer type
  • The wall type
The builder type make evreything your builders build stronger. The archer type makes you archers stronger. The wall type makes you have acces to stone walls and the castle. To get acces you need to upgrade them by (surprise!) paying with gold coins. Farmers give you tons of them but as we all know hoes are expensive See what I did there? and you also need a proper farm which is expensive as ANYTHING! It's the Lamborgini of the medieval ages!
You will need walls because there are demons that come out of portals. In blood moon they get an army. And you die. Over and over. And there's  no way around it. You have catapults but they dont help in the least!

Now thats mostly it for mechanics. How is it? Well its fun, and intresting, and if you're determined you might be able to reach a point to destroy one or two portals, where demons come out of, but it's boring. Yes. I said it. Its repetative, and you KNOW you'll die. There isn't any fun in cheating so its just always really boring, waiting for your untimely demise after a while. Again, if you're determined, you might get something out of it, but if not, you will lose interest quite fast. 
 Proffesional Aproach
  • Beatuifull as anything! Reflections, sunlight, mist, and all! I'll give it that!
  • Gameplay whise, it's very complex, and intresting, but easy to get.
  • The way of building is very intresting, since you only have one resourse, that is really hard to get.

That's about it. [insertoutrohere]

sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2016

Disscusion: Why I made this blog.

This is a really quick small post that I wanna make, because you can probably tell that I only make reviews to game that I like. Now that is because, I  mainly made this blog, because I wanted to show people new games. Not to complain about how games are s**t. See? I don't swear on this blog!

Normal: Not a hero

Wown't this be a fun expierence. Finally a video game review!

Well the reason why I didn't make them for like a century is I didn't what game to play. More of this in a disscussion.

Personal Opinion
Here is what the game is like. It's complicated to put this into words, so I will just describe 4 characters.
(I couldn't find an image, but that's a good thing, 'cause it will give you another reason to play it!) 
He is a quick, nimble person with the weakest gun. A handgun. It reloads really fast, that's the advantage. He is also "Bunnylord"s best friend/favourite. That doesn't help but it's a bit of a fun thing to know. He is also accurate, wich later in the game will make a BIG difference.
A hillbilly with a shotgun. What more do you want in your life?! He reloads slow, but has amazing dammage! He is in general slow, but he can blast doors open as well. Another thing that is fun, is he pretends to be scottish. Also, try this combo! Cletus the shotgun weilder and ricoche (is that how you spell it?)  bullets! That'll be fun! 
A russian(?) woman with what seems to be an uzi. She is terribly unaccurate, but can reload and shoot while running. She shoots really freaking fast though! She also seems to be the weakest in health. She also has fast executions
No, not the one in the bible. He is spanish. He is constantly humping things. He shoots really fast as well, but can't reload while running, neither can he shoot while running. He runs the fastest, and has nice health! He can shoot while sliding. I should be doing my homework. What?

Well what's up with the game? Well let me tell you. NOT. I'll give you a review but NOT the gameplay. Spoilers are for the cars of douchebags/rich people who can tune them.

 AMAZING! Now, it's really big! It has so many things! Characters, mechanics, power-ups, special weapons, all awsome!! The story is kinda cool as well, and you're gonna think about Bunnylord's problems for a WHILE. It's fun and good, should really play it.

Proffesional Aproach

  • Are you noticing a pattern here? Games that I like have bad graffics.

  • Gameplay wise, it's very fun and addicting, and has A LOT of stuff to do.

  • The fast-paste gameplay, combined with the tons of variations of items, special weapons and characters, make it a very intresting game. This has been done before, but NOT as well, I'd even BroForce did it worse! Why the variations? Because it's gonna force you to play the level twice in order to see what person is better. and to get more challanges done!
So there you have it! It's a great game, that you should check out!

vineri, 8 ianuarie 2016


YES! People! Your lord and saviour is alive! Bad joke? Bad joke. Ok. 
And the reasons why I took a 1 week break were;
I didn't know what to post a review on
I wanted to get started on the youtube thing
I was on a winter camp

Man. Enough with the "I"s . Yes! The  chanell thing is now officially a thing. Videos are coming! Here is the link, but chances are, there still won't be videos by the time you click it. |WANKADOBADO! If I don't have a vid, then.....Wait.

sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2016

Discussion: Nobody reads these for some reason.

Nobody does. Well what I want to say is...Look at the chart.

Well look at that. The giant Spike right there was yesterday. 1st of January, the new year. Well that's for 2 reasons. I pumped out so much content. But also....BookLizard . Now that's not a good thing. You might not be able to tell, but I can. I'm behind the posts. That post got literally TWICE the number of people! (that is to say 16) And TWICE the number of +1s (that is to say 2.) That's a bad thing, because it means, that peeps don't like what I do! I put a TON more effort into the game reviews, I actually do THINGS with those! With this, I just awnsered the questions! God Dammit!

Normal: Downwell

Downwell! Yes, indeed. 

Hater discretion blah blah blah 

Basic tutorial!
Not much to say but....
Well that's about it. The baloon is a bonus hit. The other things are enemies. Now the thing is, the gameplay cannot be expressed using an image.You are that (Rather MLG) person, and you jumped down the well. You can jump. If you try to double jump it sends a bullet under your feet. It takes Gems which you  get by stomping/360feetscoping those enemies. You have to reload evrey 6 bullets or so, but you can only do it by touching the ground. You also have shops, that use the same gems for things. You barely have any health, about 4 and I'm not sure you can upgrade it. You also have random dungeony things, with upgrades. Now, at the entrances of these places there are bubles which litteraly stop time. There apparantly is an...Upgrade or something, so that whenever you get hit, you create one! Evrey time you go down a level you get a free upgrade. You good? Good!

Personal opinion
Amazing! It's a simple concept, made simply, but not unlike ''The binding of Isaac'' it has tons of things, and some combinations! Fun and original, nothing like it! 

Proffesional aproach

  • Graffics wise, again, not very good, but don't judge a game by it's graffics. You're free to judge a book by it's cover though.

  • Gameplay wise, it's very neat! Good for gamers from the casual player looking for a game to waste some time, to the hardcore gamer looking for a challenge! Fun and addicting (I'd say more than Cookie Clicker) !

  • What isn't special about this game? It's a fast-pace, skill-based, game that has the limitation of not being able to reload. That's a briliant idea! You have to go as fast as possible without dying but stay too long without slowing down (In the form of standing on the ground) you won't be able to protect yourself, to go longer!

It's an amazing game, good for evreyone! Time waster or a challenge, that's up to you! Either way, you'll be able to enjoy this game. Pick it up any time you can.

vineri, 1 ianuarie 2016


So in exchange for the fact that I did a ''Shoutout'' (although I had like 5 people on the website at the time) Letitia Can'tputthesurnamehere AKA ''Booklizard'' Tagged me to the Harry Potter book thing! So I have to....Do this now. It's probably too early on, but hey! If you want content to be pumped out like crazy, you have to sit through this! Sorry if I sounded rude.
 So I have to awnser these questions I guess. Lets crack open this challenge! Whatever that means. I tag my friend, with the blog FashionBox even though she hasn't read the books. Yay!

  • What is your favourite book?
I'll have to say the 1st one. It just brought you into a new world and gave away it's intention right away. It was still cheery and fun it, just had sort of a dark undertone to it, which I appreciated a ton.

  •     What was your favourite film? 
I'd say the...3rd. For the simple fact that the effects were amazing, or at least I think so. OPINION! It's for people who aren't robots! OPINION!

  • What is your least favourite book?
Well I'd say the 6th book. All of the charm and cheer of the world gets slowly drained away and I think a lot could have been done with t'the cheer. Make the students think they're safe and thus happy, the school kept their classes but subtley they'd concentrate on Defence Against The Dark Arts and it just didn't. 
  • What is your least favourite film?
1st one weirdly. The quality was rather low, aspecially looking back at it. Also the kids were...Really young. Too young in my opinion.OPINION! You know the drill already! OPINION!
  • Parts of the books/film that made you cry?
Im a MAN! I don't cry! I laugh! And when I laugh I spew out FIRE! From my EYES! No, really though, I didn't cry ONCE.
  • If you could hook up with any character, who would it be?
Hermione Granger. Obviously. I mean, apart from the obvious (Wink Wink) I could copy at will!
  • Who is your favourite character?
RUBEUS HAGRID THE HALF-GIANT!!! DUDE CAN TAKE SOME SPELLS! Sorry for shouting at  you you beautiful, beautiful person.
  • If you could have the resurrection stone, invisibility cloak or elder wand, which would it be?
Cloak of sneakiness! I could get into the girl's changing rooms any time! I'm sorry.....
  •  What would your Patronous be?
I did a test on Buzfeed and apparently it's a Stag.
  • In which House would you be?
Well I did the test on Pottermore, and apparently Slytherin. I wanted to be in Ravenclaw but yeah. If you also want to be lied to, click right here.
  • If you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?
I'm not good with names, so Ronald Weasly. The guy that played him.
  • Have you ever played the video games?
Well, I've played one of them. It was alright, nothing to talk about in another post. For all I know it might not even be a thing.
  • If you were on the Quidditch team, which position would you play?
I think I'd be that guy that sits on the bench 'till someone gets hurt and preys that noone will get hurt.
  • Where you happy with the ending?
Not really. It was a bit cliche.
  • How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
Not much, the description wasn't made by me, it was made by booklizard. It's neat and good, but it isn't my life goal.

Retro: FTL Faster Than Light Review

It might not look like it but I'm pumping out content Faster Than Light! See what I did there?

Warning: The following program contains: Opinion, Thought, and not simple-mindness. Hater discretion is advised.

Now then. A basic introduction. Here is the menu that you are going to be seeing most of the time, although the ship may vary:

Well this took a while to edit. The crew are people who work for you. The Engines are necesary in order for you to go Faster Than Light. (And now the title makes sense). The oxigen makes sure you don't choke to death like Darth Vader was on board. The doors are doors. The guns allow you to attack other people. The shield allows you to get attacked more without losing the hull's health. The med bay heals your crew when inside. The door control makes sure the doors don't misfunction. The Security Cameras allow you to see evrey place, doesn't matter if any of your crew is there or not. The captain's cabin  allows you to go faster than light, if a person is there. 
All of them need power for them to work. The bit on the left is how much power you have left or just in general. That can be upgraded. The more power the better it will work.
In this game you have to go through galaxies to overthrow some sort of overload? (Nobody reads the wall of text at the start). Another thing! You are constantly chased by a sort of....rebelion I think

Personal Opinion 

This is...(Big suprise) A really good game! Doesn't compare to Papers, Please but a good game indeed. The story, nobody cares about, the graffics are bad, and the only excuse is the engine, but the gameplay is it's strong point. It's alway hard to play with so many currencies you need to save up, not only the money, but the energy and the missles and evreything! It's also luck based, with stores being annoying and expensive for uselless things, and the number of stars/planets that are randomly generated. Now if challenge is not what you're looking for, just like me, then it will be kinda bad. 

Proffesional look

  •  Graffics aren't good. Full stop.

  • Gameplay wise it's mostly luck-based, good for hardcore players, but not for the casual stress-relief fan.


Well, if you are a person who enjoys a challenge, this will be a good game. It's just not the type of thing I'd like, but maybe it's good for you!

Retro: Papers, Please Review

Oh yeah, belive it, I am so looking forward to doing this!

The following program is prohibited to Haters. It contains scenes of severe opinion.  

So, Papers, Please! People are going to think I am doing this for the sake of, again, popularity, considering the fact that Jacksepticeye ( youtube.com/jacksepticeye ) is playing it at this exact time, and I don't blame you! But, you would be wrong. In fact, the reason is, I wanted to this for a long time! I thought I'd do it when I'd have a youtube channel, but for that I'd need a recording software, and a good mic, and the list goes on and on! But a friend (Her blogger name is ''Book Lizard''  booklizard.blogspot.com go check her out, she does book reviews so if your intrested, it's a good chanel) introdused me to this blog thing, and it's really good! I just happened to come at a bad time!

 If you don't know how the game plays then here is the menu!

Now this is quite far into the game, but basically:
The thing on the left is the person and the table. It has a manual with the rules, a recording mic and a newspaper. The newspaper tells you if there are criminals on the loose and allows you to detain them.
The thing on the right is the item checking stand. You can put whatever you want in there and you will see it magnified. In that instance there is a pic of the woman with contraband. There is also a pasport. On the pasport there is an expiration date, a pic of the person, the gender, the name, the code, the isuing city and the date of birth.
The thing on the bottom right is the inspection meniu. After you clicked on it you can see the discrepancies by conecting two things. 
The thing on the top is the view of what's happening outside. There might be terrorists and later on you get a gun, so be EXTRA careful with that! To continue on to the next person, you press the trumpety thing.
The thing in the top right of the bottom section is the stamp holder. As you can see the pasport has a place for the stamps, and there you can put approved or denied.

Good luck remembering all that.

And now why is it good? The graffics seem really bad! 
Well, dear reader, what did we learn in the minecraft review? Graffics don't matter! This is also the case! The game is difficult because of this other meniu
There. Those coins are things you get from people, if you let them through, even though they don't have what they need or just helping people out. They will determine the ending. The savings are the money you saved from the days before, the salary is how much you've gotten today, the number in bitween the brackets, in this instance 5 is how many people you've done today and the bribes is how much money you got from people bribing you. The rent is how much you need to live in the apartament the food is how much you need to not be hungry (stay hungry for 2 days and you will die) heat is how much you need to not be cold (stay cold for too long and you will get sick and then, if you don't get medication, you will die), sharpshooter is how much you gained from stoping a terrorist. The class upgrade make your house better and the booth upgrade make your life easier. The people on the right are your family. Lose them and you lose the game. I still, to this day, have no idea what the pasport does.
Now the hard bit is hard because you 99% of the time lose money from helping people. Also the amount of money depends on the amount of people you let through, NOT how many you got through. You HAVE to let a lot of people throught to get enough money  for your family, so it's unbelivably hard to do it!

Personal Opinion

It's amazing, it brought in what could litterally be a new genera, booth them up! (Although it does need something different and that would be it) It gets you thinking, worring about your family, knowing what can hapen, and trying to find out what can stop it hapenning! It just blends in drama, the choice them ups with a nice simple mechanic (And yes, it's simple, I just make it sound complicated)! 

Proffesional look 

  • Graffic's wise, I'd say it's better than minecraft but it those are supposed to be humas so.....Yeah.
  • Gameplay wise it's really nice! I've got nothing to say to that! It doesn't get old, or repetative, since almost evrey other day it brings something new to the scene! Today inspection mode, tomorrow sharpshooter!
  • It's unique in the type of gameplay. It's minimalistic but still keeps a dark tone. Pixels for the win! Also DID YOU HEAR THAT THEME SONG? Well hope not. If you did, then you wown't forget it. Ever. Bam. Bam. Bada da dam, Bada da dam, Bada da dam. Dam dam dam....What was I talking about?

Well this game is amazing. It does take years on end to actually be able to end it, and not only because it's long. I sugest picking it up if you've got the time.

Post example

 An introduction/anouncement/joke goes here.

 If anything goes here, it's probably a continuation of the joke put above.

Personal opinion for like 10 days worth of text

Proffesionaly looking at it for way more than I should! (Containing a graffics segment, a gameplay segment, and a special segment)

An conclusion/end.